"That's not right! That isn't a fit way to conduct a war!"
"No, but it seems an effective one so far."
Epic. I love this series so much. This book was THE war with the empire. Fabletown folks were so impressive in all their separate roles and battles, especially Cinderella and Prince Charming and Boy Blue. The panel above after the adversary is defeated by Bigby is funny.
"That's not right! That isn't a fit way to conduct a war!"
"No, but it seems an effective one so far."
Pictured: my reading spot for the afternoon. I enjoyed a lovely, breezy, sunny afternoon finishing up this volume. Vol. 10 remains my favorite, but this one is solid as well! It wraps up the main storyline Fables has been following for many volumes, and does it well. A good place for me to pause and pick up some non-comic reading for a bit! #sequelseptember #seriesseptember