This one turned uninteresting. It started promising – but: To me it doesn‘t feel like there are relationships between some characters. The author says so but words alone don‘t transport friendship. I don‘t like most of the characters. They are too flat even if the world building sounds promising. Additionally the book is part one of _another_ 🙄 teen-love-triangle-series.
No, thank you, no more girlie love (talk) for me. Bye, bye, book. 👋🏼
I read the end although I bailed it. Who else does so❓😄
Well I didn‘t like that there seemed to be arena 🏟 fights. This too much reminds me of Panem. But the idea of Cronos being Kai‘s dad is really cool. I mean, she‘s able to manipulate time, so one could have guessed it. It‘s quite creative, anyway.
But overall I couldn‘t get rid of the impression that the author stole the pieces for the story here and there without creating something new.