Meh. Quick and easy read, but didn‘t bring me any feels. I don‘t even get why they like each other.
Meh. Quick and easy read, but didn‘t bring me any feels. I don‘t even get why they like each other.
I love my job and wouldn‘t want to do anything else, but she nailed it. If you want to make money, teaching ain‘t it.
1. My Best Friend's Royal Wedding
2. Evening reading.
3. It's been a while since I followed an author on Twitter, but the best author twitters I follow are Sam Sykes and Myke Cole. Even if you don't read their books, their tweets are 10/10.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
I can't decide if I liked this one or not. While the story was okay I didn't love or connect to the characters, Khara annoyed the crap out of me. Shes supposed to be this strong independent woman but she limits & insults herself constantly. I know that is supposed to reflect her damage but ugh. The pacing wasn't great, at times it felt impossibly long. I wanted this to be like a fun grownup book version of The Prince and Me but it was just meh.