Great book if you know who Dan Savage is you understand he has some great advice about people, sex, and all kinds of things. Wonderful book
Great book if you know who Dan Savage is you understand he has some great advice about people, sex, and all kinds of things. Wonderful book
This book is an incredibly interesting, and wildly irreverent look at modern American life and the struggles faced by members of the LGBTQ community. Savage brings up so many important topics and points I will be thinking about for a long time. A great read, even for a straight Canadian coming from a very conservative Christian background such as myself! 😄
Hey look, turns out there's something I can agree with Justin Bieber on! 😂🇨🇦
Waiting in the airport for my flight to Ireland, where I'll be spending the next month. I only brought my Kobo and one other print book to save space, but I'm already starting to find that I'm having trouble keeping to one book when I have this along. We'll see how this month of only ereading goes..