Over the Hills and Far Away is a story with a good message of a mother and father playing with their newborn child outside. It gives a representation of the families love for their child. While introducing their child to the world around them.
Over the Hills and Far Away is a story with a good message of a mother and father playing with their newborn child outside. It gives a representation of the families love for their child. While introducing their child to the world around them.
“Dance, little baby, dance up high,”
The story is very visually appealing. The father is a fisherman and owns his own boat. He is excited for his child to see their first fish. This is a good family story for all ages.
Over the Hills and Far Away: A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes From Around the World by Elizabeth Hammill has a story with a good message of a mother and father playing with their newborn child outside. It gives a representation of the families love for their child. While introducing their child to the world around them.
“Dance, little baby, dance up high,“
The story is very visually appealing and has a good representation of a family enjoying the outdoors with their newborn. The father is a fisherman and owns his own boat. He is excited for his child to see their first fish. This is a good family friendly story for a classroom.
The story had a good message of a mother and father playing with their newborn child. They are introducing the child to the world around them.
“Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock.“ (English)
I liked how each nursery rhyme had its own illustration and how the illustration caught the image of the words very well. I enjoyed reading the rhymes from all around the world because I have not heard of a lot of them.
I enjoyed many of these nursery rhymes because I read many of them as a little girl. I liked how all of the poetry rhymed and there was a lot of imagination involved in many of the poems.