Finished tagged book at this coffeeshop/bookstore combo.
📍Protaganist Cafe
St. Louis, Missouri
Finished tagged book at this coffeeshop/bookstore combo.
📍Protaganist Cafe
St. Louis, Missouri
This took me 3 attempts to read this.
The stories started great but then just fizzled out.
#readingthelibrary #librarybooks #readinglockdown #reallifestories 📚📚📚
David Nott is truly an incredible human being.He details his time as a trauma surgeon volunteering to help people in all of the worst humanitarian crises around the world.He admits that he‘s an adrenaline junkie and thrives on the danger of knowing that he could be killed at any time.Over time, he comes to realize that his true gift lays not just in saving one life at a time, but in teaching local doctors so they can go on and save many lives.
Dr Nott was on Fresh Air today. The interview was stunning. Dr Nott was contacted mid-interview by a doctor in a Syrian war zone who needed to be walked through an emergency c-section. Sobering to hear.
Here‘s the Link if interested: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/02/824703205/war-doctor-says-t...
Currently reading The War Doctor by David Nott omg I totally recommend it.
Like wow! What his eyes must have seen is incredible.
#librarybook #readingthelibrary #reallifebooks
I just realized that I updated many photos from last weekend's book fair but I didn't update the most important: my new finds. So here they are! Books about the witch hunts in Sweden during the middle ages, mafia in Italy, North Korea, being a doctor in war zones, world classic, ancient Finland, second world war and cults. I'm so happy with these! ❤😁