I didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous titles. The plot seemed out of place and my least favorite character showed up again, so. Still a good series, just a weak installment.
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous titles. The plot seemed out of place and my least favorite character showed up again, so. Still a good series, just a weak installment.
Another great volume! The only complaint I have is that I have to wait to read more. 💖
Does posting a picture from a graphic novel count as a quote? Here‘s Gert being Over It.
It‘s weird reading comics about teens in LA right now. Things keep changing so much, and so fast, that issues that came out a couple of months ago seem weirdly nostalgic? Out of date? Anyway, they‘re all good fictional kids. They deserve good fictional things.
“If you trusted me, you wouldn‘t be trying to make me live in your sorority house!”
“Really? You‘re sexist now?”
“Until recently I was an agent of chaos and destruction!” “Yeah, but I didn‘t think you were sexist.”