Instead of “happily ever after” there is a follow up of “oh, and the ogre? All the wiggling game inside the bag made his magic wear off.” 😂
Instead of “happily ever after” there is a follow up of “oh, and the ogre? All the wiggling game inside the bag made his magic wear off.” 😂
The details in the lines- and the added sass of the wink describes this entire book so well!
Super cool to actually read the story behind the stealthy cat! Published in 2010, the children‘s classic character that many may know from “Shrek” has a backstory, which many kids may not know. All that the father leaves behind for his son is a silly cat that knows how to take rags to riches. Super cute read!
“And so the two were married that very day, and lived long happy lives together in the castle” this quote is interesting because they never did find out that he was fibbing the entire time about his life!
The picture on the page where their wedding finally takes place is so beautifully drawn and colored it is hard to take your eyes off of it. It makes you want to jump into the book!
This traditional version of Puss in Boots was beautifully told and illustrated from start to finish. Truthfully I had never read a more modern version of this story so this was the first time I had experienced it. I really enjoyed the imagery and it felt as if I was there with the characters. They used description words such as flourish, and compliments. This book reflected a more sophisticated style of writing
“The king, queen, and princess were impressed by everything they had seen on their journey...”
The story itself was super cute how the cat took it all under control and made the perfect meeting that everyone was in on for the princess and her parents!
Puss in Boots by John Cech published in 2010 tells a great story. It holds many motifs such as super natural beings like a “puss in boots” or a magical ogre.
I really liked the illustrations in this book, especially this page. They do such a good job of showing expression
This would be good for older kids who already know the story or puss and boots and could keep up and not get distracted
This is a traditional literature book. I liked this version of puss and boots, it was a bit different and more sophisticated than the one I read that was an award winner