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The Truth About Stories
The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative | Thomas King
Winner of the 2003 Trillium Book Award "Stories are wondrous things," award-winning author and scholar Thomas King declares in his 2003 CBC Massey Lectures. "And they are dangerous." Beginning with a traditional Native oral story, King weaves his way through literature and history, religion and politics, popular culture and social protest, gracefully elucidating North America's relationship with its Native peoples. Native culture has deep ties to storytelling, and yet no other North American culture has been the subject of more erroneous stories. The Indian of fact, as King says, bears little resemblance to the literary Indian, the dying Indian, the construct so powerfully and often destructively projected by White North America. With keen perception and wit, King illustrates that stories are the key to, and only hope for, human understanding. He compels us to listen well.
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The difficulty with this work is that it is a collection of lectures. As a result, there is some repetition as King has some repeating manners of introduction. The lectures themselves are interesting and the topic of how we are our stories and how much of our lives are stories is quite illuminating.

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11: How have I never heard about Thomas King before now? He came up in a pre-pandemic book group conversation about truth & stories, and a friend generously lent me her copy of this one. I finally got around to reading it this November. Wow! ❤️

#12booksof2020 @Andrew65

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Hello, Litsy! I spent the last few days in Tofino, where I had a lovely time (but missed you very much). I read a bunch, bummed around the rainforest, and engaged in a bit of literary tourism at the tiny, wonderful Mermaid's Tale Bookstore. Unfortunately, I missed the Thomas King event there yesterday, but I made sure to visit his books so they didn't feel neglected.

Cinfhen Sounds awesome 💕 7y
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I'm gonna need to read everything Thomas King's ever written, because this was amazing. King shares personal, traditional, and historical stories as he examines how we use narratives to construct our realities, with an especial focus on the role stories play in colonialism and Indigenous lives. The five essays were originally delivered as CBC Massey Lectures, and I'll search for recordings as I'd love to hear him speak. #canada150

TheEscapist This book was amazing! I think I had the reverse reading experience, because I read this first and then went to Green Grass, and Medicine River, and eventually Back of the Turtle. Such an amazing writer! I have such vivid memories of Coyote and Harlen Bigbear! 7y
xicanti @TheEscapist I feel like I'm destined to go on a major Thomas King binge in 2018. 7y
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All incoming University of Denver students are reading this discussion of stories and the Native American experience - it's thought provoking and I hope will create perception-challenging conversations.