Sonja Sekula: Grace in a Cow's Eye : a Memoir | Kathrin Schaeppi
Poetry. LGBT Studies. Art. "'I love words—to me writing is drawing.' So says artist Sonja Sekula. And so it is in her hands in Kathrin Schaeppi's hands in this book in your hands. Schaeppi makes words into shapes into painting into ambiguated memoir—who is speaking?—of artist on artist. There is true pain here; attempts at survival. And there is art. This book can be read through the lens of gender: Sekula was a persecuted lesbian, an under-acknowledged female artist among the big boys. Can be read through the lens of madness. Through ekphrasis. Perhaps even through the glass of the empathic. Ultimately, though, what we have here is, well, yes, it is the presence of grace"—Cara Benson.