Navigating the Turbulent Middle School Years: Common-Sense Solutions for Problems and Behaviors | Dr. Kid Brain
Navigating the Turbulent Middle School Years is a great resource for middle school parents and teachers. The purpose of the book is to give readers an idea of some of the most common problems that confront middle school kids - and how each situation may be resolved.Each chapter (or scenario) includes a story which will be told from the point of view of those most affected by the problem. Consequently, as in real life, each individual has a unique point of view and story to tell.The easy-to-follow format for each scenario includes: the story from the middle school kid's point of view, the story from the parents' point of view, the story from the teacher or administrator's point of view, and Dr. Kid Brain's recommended solution(s) to the problem.We learn through stories and scenarios - and this book is all about stories and scenarios. "A must-have book for parents, teachers and administrators!" -Jerry Meschke, Middle School Principal