A fast and entertaining read. Some of the dialogue and characters were a little too tween, but a fun book to break me out of a reading slump.
A fast and entertaining read. Some of the dialogue and characters were a little too tween, but a fun book to break me out of a reading slump.
Hoping to break out of my reading slump with this current read. Reminds me of a mix between Meg Cabot's humor and the soapy silliness of Pretty Little Liars.
now I‘d awoken my inner brat, I couldn‘t put her back in her box.
Bad boy, nice guy, flirt: Edison was one big sandwich of contradiction, with a side order of WTF?
light haunting isn‘t working. I think it‘s time we went to Dead-Com Two.
people (well, the decent ones) remember you way more favorably when you‘re not around to remind them of the truth.
A unique YA murder mystery that doesn't take itself too seriously and is not too predictable. Well-written but not overly dense. A perfect cutesy easy read that isn't like anything else!
A unique YA murder mystery that doesn't take itself too seriously and is not too predictable. Well-written but not overly dense. A perfect cutesy easy read that isn't like anything else!
Just starting this one. So far, so good. Reminds me a lot of Cabot's Mediator series which is great (I rarely read entire series, but loved every last one of the Mediator ones!). Short, mindless, entertaining YA is just what I need right now.