Although written for entertainment purposes in the 70s, these plays are extremely well written, and the authors definitely did their research. I definitely recommend this book for any and all fans of historical fiction and history itself.
Although written for entertainment purposes in the 70s, these plays are extremely well written, and the authors definitely did their research. I definitely recommend this book for any and all fans of historical fiction and history itself.
This is the first time I‘ve read that it is possible Catherine Pare was forced into her marriage with Thomas Seymour. Although most claim they were in love solely because they were in love before Catherine married Henry, I have to wonder if Thomas did force Catherine to marry him. This explains the personality shift as well as the insanity of Catherine in her final days.
Foreshadowing Thomas and Catherine‘s failed marriage
I think Henry always loved Jane the most. I don‘t think it was because she gave him a son, but Jane was overall good for Henry more than any of his other wives.
I think it would be very interesting if towards the end, Henry realized Catherine was corrupted by the people around her and may not have been corrupt herself. It would be nice if Henry would‘ve realized in the end Catherine was more of a victim of circumstance than anything else.
If only Anne of Cleves could‘ve saved Henry VIII And Catherine Howard from each other...
If Jane had lived, I think she would‘ve brought Henry back to the Catholic Church before he died. Jane held an influence over Henry and was already starting to shape his views to an extent.
At the same time, I think Jane would‘ve changed Henry for the better. He still might have affairs, but I think she could have made him a more holy man and maybe eventually he would have been faithful to her had they had more children.
I often wonder what would‘ve happened had Jane Seymour lived. I think Jane was a victim of circumstance and would‘ve been trapped in a marriage with Henry unable to speak her own mind on anything. I think a part of Jane would have been sad and would‘ve gladly given up the crown to live a life of her own.
Two amazing (fictional, unfortunately) Anne Boleyn quotes. I love how this play portrays Anne as a fighter for the truth, not just to save her title.
I see a lot of myself in Anne Boleyn and even Catherine of Aragon in that I would‘ve held on to my husband and the hope he would come back to me until my death.
Although historical fiction, I have to agree that there‘s no way Henry VIII loved Jane Seymour. Had she given birth to a girl, she very well could have suffered the same fate as Anne or Catherine. I also believe if Jane lived longer, Henry would‘ve ended up taking mistresses again, although Jane would remain queen.