3.5 stars. Quick and easy read. Characters were sassy, that‘s for sure. Baby was a little too immature for her age and it felt unbelievable at times. Teared up/cried a little, twice.
3.5 stars. Quick and easy read. Characters were sassy, that‘s for sure. Baby was a little too immature for her age and it felt unbelievable at times. Teared up/cried a little, twice.
Not as great as the House Next Door but still solid. It may also have resonated with me more if I were at a different stage in my life but I'm kind of the in between age in this set up.
And, simply to add for fun since I am seeing tarot correspondences everywhere now, The Tower seemed most appropriate for this book!
I got lost into Tiger Island as Anne Rivers Siddon reminds us of the importance of long-term relationships to women. I think Maddie & Baby we‘re my favorite characters, but you will love them all.
Had a slow start with this one, but I think reading it in the sun today was just the kind of vibe I needed to get really caught up! #halfwaythrough
This book didn‘t get great reviews but I enjoyed it for what it was - a quick read. It was not the happy-go-lucky read that the cover suggests but it was about girlfriends and their bond. While it‘s not something to move to the top of your TBR list it is a good travel/vacation read or if you just want a quick break after finishing a heavy read.
My $4 bargain shelf books from #barnesandnoble. I can‘t seem to pass them up.
Two more August challenges! #poetrymatters #readingresolutions
Look at that happy, relaxing cover! I never expected what came next! This was an excruciating,painful read. It really should have been a DNF, but I just don‘t do that (I‘m weird like that). And I was using it for #booked2018 #beachread ! I heard that her earlier books were good! My only takeaway was due to some Gullah families living on the Island, I googled Gullahs. Now, I know more than just the old children‘s TV show, Gullah Gullah Island! 😉
I really hated this book. The characters are awful. Why anyone would want to be friends with these women, let alone be like them (as is the case with the character, Baby), is beyond me. There's little plot and no character development. I've never read an Anne Rivers Siddons book that was this awful.