This book is such a blast, especially now that TCM has their new Film Noir series on Sunday mornings. This is Claire Trevor in Murder, My Sweet.
This book is such a blast, especially now that TCM has their new Film Noir series on Sunday mornings. This is Claire Trevor in Murder, My Sweet.
Sure sign of getting old #100
When I do turn on TV, Turner Classic Movies is default choice.
Pictorial history of film noir with archival documents for context. You need to know what you're getting into with this book to appreciate it! This is my second entry for my summer reading challenge. Review here: http://www.outofthepastblog.com/2016/07/into-dark-by-mark-vieira25.html?m=1
My classic film summer reading stack. This is what I'll be reading for the challenge I'm hosting on my blog www.outofthepastblog.com Every year I encourage movie buffs to read 6 film books from their TBR list.