great vacation > great car
great vacation > great car
" Love received is comforting, love reciprocated is rewarding, and love given completely is eternal...
Our role, our job as agents of species, is to love someone unconditionally...
To love someone completely is the ultimate accomplishment. It tells the universe you matter, you are an agent of survival, evolution, and life. You are still just a blink of an eye, but the blink matters."
.."We live in a capitalist society, and the amount of money you have is a forward-looking indicator of the effectiveness of your healthcare, the comfort of your home, the harmony of your relationships, and the quality of your children's education."
.."Being successful in a big firm isn't easy, and it requires a unique skill set. You have to play nice with others, suffer injustices and bullshit at every turn, and be politically savvy - get noticed by key stakeholders doing good work and garner executive-level sponsorship."
Just started with this book 📖
Hope it meets my expectation!
Smart common sense reflections, that make you think