I really like it because it enlightens me what kind of happiness that can really make you happy. Seeking happiness in material things can only give you temporary happiness. The things that we acquired in this world will vanished it could not give us the time happiness that we want to have, yes it will but family is more important. The people around you who love and care for you could be eternal. One day You just realize those material things are..
Troy Porras meaningless compare to those people that you value and valued you as well. Through the story was a myth I recommend you to read it, it serves as a reminder or a wake up call that the material things we have in this world will change how you deal with people. Even if we also have a good heart it will still be ruin because wealth is a good servant but a cruel master. King Midas symbolizes greediness, even if he is kind to other people his gold.. 5y
Troy Porras was still the most important to him. His gold represents all the tangible things he has that he worship the most. 5y
MissYaremcio Great work Troy! I would have loved a little bit more of a summary but you did a great job explaining the theme!! Keep up the great work! 5y
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