I really knew nothing about The White Rose Resistance other than its existence. I learned quite a lot from these students‘ story.
I really knew nothing about The White Rose Resistance other than its existence. I learned quite a lot from these students‘ story.
This was a good example of nonfiction because the text was clear and easy to follow, and the images helped emphasize what the text was conveying.
I would use this in my future classroom because it would be a great resource to present what could be scary information, and also it is important for students to know the different histories.
“And Sophie wrote: “We carry all our standards within ourselves, only we don‘t
look for them closely enough. Perhaps because they are the severest standards.”
“And Sophie wrote: “We carry all our standards within ourselves, only we don‘t
look for them closely enough. Perhaps because they are the severest standards.”
I would use this in my classroom to teach kids to stand up for what they believe in.
This non-fiction book is a very good read and very informative. The facts in the story are very clear. This book would be a good book for older kids.
Review: We Will Not Be Silent by Russell Freedman, 2016, is a nonfiction book about a student resistance that defied Adolf Hitler. It's a powerful true story about a brave group of students.
Blurb: I think this book would go well with older children that are learning about the Holocaust, it might inspire them and get them thinking about injustices they see in their lives.
Quote: “He preached a scathing sermon.“
“We carry all our standards within ourselves, only we don‘t look for them closely enough. Perhaps because they are the severest standards.”
This nonfiction book is good because its content is accurately represented by lots of good facts. The author is also really well qualified to write for something like this because it has been well researched and he has seen a lot of things himself in this context!
I think this book would be interesting to all kids in an upper level classroom. I always found history like this appealing and for anyone interested in something like this, it could be interesting to understand and view a side like this to get a new perspective. Its content is also just enjoyable and I think kids could learn a lot from it!
“In 1942, when World War II was in it‘s third year, leaflets began to appear mysteriously in mailboxes all over Nazi Germany.”
This book seems a little too old for early childhood education but it is a great lesson that children do need to learn.
We Will Not Be Silent by Russell Freedman published in 2016 is a chronological book with very few illustrations. It tells the story about a group of students who were disgusted by Adolf Hitler‘s mass slaughter of German citizens.
Biography. This again is a story better suited for an older audience, starting in perhaps the fifth grade. The story is real and some of it is jarring but it is wildly fascinating and definitely worth the read. This is a book I‘d love to continue reading.
We Will Not Be Solent by Russell Freedman, 2016. This book tells not only about WWII and the resistance but the people behind it. You learn about the White Rose and the bravery these very young people with everything to lose had to defend what was right and denounce what was wrong. These young people stood up for freedom and lost their lives fighting for it. This is a wonderful example of the impact nonfiction can have on future generations.
#FallIntoBooks Day 11: We were very fortunate to have been given a free walking tour by an amazing librarian while we were in Munich - truly a #neveragain moment - this is my daughter at the university in munich as she researched the white rose movement for her history coursework project.
A very thorough account of the White Rose Student Resistance. I thought it was a very timely, and inspiring publication. The pictures were very enlightening to some aspects of Nazi Germany that aren't widely taught in the US, and I loved the included list of further resources. A great read for ALL ages!
Aaaaah homemade pizza and a sleepy kitty make for good #lunchreads 😊
This is a very timely book, and so far, a great read!
A student movement who followed their hearts and their minds against Hitler, giving their precious lives to the cause. Let us never forget, and let us hope that we never have to come to this - but if we do, that we will not falter in walking the line of truth.
I think this is an excellent resource to talk to older children and mid-teens about why parallels are being, can be, and should be drawn between the hate and ideals spawned by our president-elect, his team, and supporters and Nazi Germany. I have some adult books coming into the library on this subject but wanted to span age ranges for upcoming holiday conversations with younger relatives. H/T @bookriot
This is a small but powerful book. It beautifully tells the story of a group of college students who stood up to Hitler and ended up losing everything. The White Rose was brave and based on there internal integrity. I recommend it.
Reading about some very braze kids who dared to stand up to Hitler. I had no idea about the White Rose movement.
Perfect read given current events - Because "We will not be silent." And yes, perfect for our reading theme on rebels, revolutionaries, social justice in literature at GatheringBooks.
Love Russell Freedman!
Fascinating and inspiring.