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Sons of Destiny (The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 12)
Sons of Destiny (The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 12) | Darren Shan
6 posts | 41 read | 1 to read
The twelfth part of the Saga of Darren Shan one boys terrifying journey from human to half-vampire to Vampire Prince.
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Sons of Destiny | Darren Shan


Sons of Destiny | Darren Shan
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The final showdown between vampire and vampaneze - I wasnt happy with the ending, but I can't think of any ending to this saga that would have been satisfactory, so I can't really fault that too much. Overall though, highly recommend the saga - they're quick, entertaining, and a good time. 3⭐

RainyDayReading This was one of my absolute favorite series when I was younger. I think I need to reread them now. 5y
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Finishing up this series...I really like Darren Shan. I have read his Demonata series and The City Trilogy and a few others. After reading this I wish they had done better with the movie...

Sons of Destiny | Darren Shan
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I‘m going to finish this Series tonight (hopefully) - finally. If you ever want to read it I recommend having the entire series at hands because the books tend to end in the very middle of the story.
So far it was entertaining and intriguing but also very predictable. I knew every plot twist before the twist... but I‘m still enjoying it mainly 😊 -so far the first 11 books were a solid 3/5⭐️

Tanisha_A Beautiful photograph. Enjoy! 💗 6y
ju.ca.no @Tanisha_A thank you😘 6y
MayJasper 11 gosh that's a lot 😊 6y
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ju.ca.no @MayJasper but they all are very short and easy (middle grade) reads😊 6y
Louise Hello, Julia! Your lovely Christmas gift arrived today. Thank you! It‘s so cute! I‘ll enjoy using it. ❤️ I have a little something for you too, and it will go in the mail tomorrow. I‘m a bit late organizing my Christmas mail. I also want to thank you for the beautiful gifts from Spain! I‘ve been meaning to write and haven‘t managed to lately—just so busy with work. Until soon! 🎄 6y
ju.ca.no @Louise oh that was surprisingly quick😊 you‘re very welcome, I hope you have wonderful and less stressfull holidays ahead🤗🤗 6y
Louise Thanks! And frohe Weihnachten to you too! I‘m mailing a letter to you tomorrow. 🎄🎄🎄 6y
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This book was really good up until the halfway point.. I was so outdone with the ending. I couldn't believe that the book ended that way. 12 books.. I committed to 12 books only to have the very last one just end. I finished it last week and I still don't have the words to describe how the book ended. The only thing that comes to mind is the word .....flat....