Very much in the style of A.A. Milne and E. H. Shepard. I loved it. Lifted me up. Would be great to read aloud.
Often these sorts of books not so good. I thought this one very good. I read it in one sitting.
Very much in the style of A.A. Milne and E. H. Shepard. I loved it. Lifted me up. Would be great to read aloud.
Often these sorts of books not so good. I thought this one very good. I read it in one sitting.
Still a child at heart ❤️ I have picked up David Benedictus' sequel to the amazing work of A. A. Milne. They have recently (ish) come out in new editions for the 90th anniversary of Winnie-the-Pooh and I plan on collecting the whole set! AND they are filled with the lovely illustrations of Mark Burgess, which are inspired and are in close keeping with those of E. H. Shepard in the original tales!🐝🍯🐻 #AAMilne #Pooh #Piglet #Eeyore #Tigger #Honey
Day eight of #booktober! Here I have my #diversereads , which may or may not include one of the best animal stories of all time (Pooh Bear is a person too!!).