This poetry story would make for a silly and engaging RA in the classroom. This story is about a man named Sam who has 10 sheep, and every night he tries to count them before he goes to bed to make sure he has them all. The problem is that counting them makes him very sleepy. This is bad news when theres a mysterious “sheep” asking to be let in & hes unable to figure out if its the “10th” sheep he left outside, or if its an unwelcome visitor😳
Vanvlieta This story could be used in a math lesson! It would be a great story to introduce counting, or provide extra practice! I would teach this story using UDL principles 3.2( highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships) & ESOL strategy 4(use visual aids) by counting on my fingers during the counting scenes. https://prek-math-te.stanford.edu/counting/using-picture-books-counting #UCFLAE3414SP21 🐑🔢🐺 4y
KellyR This is book is so cute! I think it is pretty neat reading books that could be used a variety of subjects. I think this may get students excited to learn about the topic especially if math is not their favorite subject. 4y
DrSpalding What a great idea to use quality children‘s literature in other subject areas like math. 4y