Details the nitty-gritty of the War of Roses and the life in that era. Great book, and really gives a glance of medieval society denuded of any romantic, rose-tinted glasses.
Details the nitty-gritty of the War of Roses and the life in that era. Great book, and really gives a glance of medieval society denuded of any romantic, rose-tinted glasses.
An OK story set during the Wars of the Roses. Some adventurous bits, some women disguising as men, some Robin Hood-type people. It uses a lot of ye's, which makes everyone sound Scottish and may prompt a modern reader to overcorrect 😐
I would definitely recommend this over G.A. Henty (SO BORING), but modern young people will likely not find this interesting.
This may be the closest I get to a peach-coloured book for #augustofpages. The back cover and the spine are peach but the front cover is more yellow, which is why I didn't show it.