“Animals vary greatly in shap size and behavior, but they all have a few things in common.”
“Animals vary greatly in shap size and behavior, but they all have a few things in common.”
This book is very informative!! I would use it when learning about animals and different species.
This book breaks down many aspects of animals from what they are to different kinds of species and even evolution and extinct animals! The book uses a lot of charts and graphs which I think are helpful for children in understanding these aspects. This book does a great job in giving brief facts of many animals!
“Animals that are closely related may look similar and behave in similar ways but still vary enormously in size.“
This nonfiction books shows all kinds of interesting facts about all kinds of different animals. This book had a lot of information in it, and so it was a pretty long book. I think that this is a book that could be placed in the library for students to skim through at their own pace, but it's far too long for a typical story time.
I liked this page of how may eyes animals have becuase of the diagram will help them visualize
I would use this book with older kids and maybe let them read different parts of it on their own becuase it is so long
This is a nonfiction book. This gave many facts about many animals from all over earth
This nonfiction book is good because it intrigues readers. It‘s importance is all focused on the animals and the generalizations are all backed up with facts. it covers a wide range of varieties out there and is easy to understand!
This book is very knowledgeable of the outside world and exposes students to graphics and captions that teach them about all animals. It would be interesting for kids to expand and look at!