Billy‘s Booger: A memoir (sorta) is a B, ILA Teachers' Choice award
book written & illustrated by William Joyce. This book could be used
as an IR. This book is about a boy named Billy who has always been a
little different from other children. He loves to draw and will draw
on just about anything… test and homework are not exempt! The school
librarian introduces a book making contest which is right up Billy‘s
alley. He doesn‘t win the contest but
checked out book by the students at his school. I found this book
funny and creative and there is also a book within the book of
Billy‘s drawings. The UDL principle 1.1- offer ways of customizing the
display of information & EL 30- encourage the use of diagram and
drawings as aids to identify concepts and seeing relationships could
be done with this book. You could have students create their own
flipbook using this RWT tool
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