#oppositeday #follow
Day 16: Follow
#oppositeday #follow
Day 16: Follow
I will never ever be able to move on from this ending. It was done so perfectly that I just can‘t even explain my love for it. If took so long to get, but it was worth the wait. Respect the Legend, idolize the Prodigy, celebrate the Champion, but never underestimate the Rebel. I‘ll let you figure out who that is.
“They don‘t call it the Civil War. There had already been one...during a time when the enslavement of human beings was legal based on nothing but the color of one‘s skin. There is an entire room dedicated to that, to the unified, sinister America before we existed....I don‘t say a word. Maybe the United States was only ever united for some. Maybe this place has always been a dystopia.” ~Daniel “Day” Wing, Rebel by Marie Lu
🎧 This is Eden‘s story. Book 4 in this series. He‘s the rebellious little brother. Too young to remember and feels patronized y his older famous brother. It‘s his coming of age story. A little too political for me. I still like the doubtful males as it‘s usually the girls in these books, even so it‘s getting a little old. Day & Eden both have a little romance, suspense, action. Loved the narrators! 1&3 are my favorites so far. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5. Just when you thought the series couldn‘t get better. The Rebel is involved.
I was absolutely thrilled to pick up Marie Lu's Rebel, the fourth book in her YA dystopian series Legend. It's been a while--book 3, Champion, came out in 2013--so I was nervous about re-entering the world. But the experiences of Day and June, the alternating protagonists from the original trilogy, came back quickly.
What's a sequel you've been waiting for? If you don't read series, what are you reading right now?
I don‘t know if we needed to go back but I love Lu‘s writing so I can‘t be mad.
I don‘t know man I only got 70 pages left and like now the big big I don‘t know what‘s gonna happen drama is starting and I kind of accidentally peeked at the last page when I was seeing how many pages I have left and just like this book is everything you want in a conclusion you know?
Started to read ‘Rebel‘ while struggling through Arch-Enemies (sooo long), but of course now want to see the series through, so ‘Supernova‘ is fighting for my attention. A week and a half of school to go until #summerholiday Dragging myself to the end.
Legend was the series that got me into voracious reading. I fell in love with Day and his and June‘s story. I eagerly entered this world again and hearing Eden‘s story, learning his own way while living in the shadow of his infamous brother. Some of my favorite parts of the book are Day or Eden‘s memories from the first three books. This book felt more like an homage to the Legend, and that‘s ok, anything that allows us back to Day, is good.
It was so great to be back in this world. I‘ve missed Day and June. The addition of Eden‘s voice was wonderful!
How does a graduate student procrastinate you may ask? By doing all the readings she isn‘t supposed to be doing! #Rebel #Wildcard #WanderingStar #PhDLife #FictionReadingInstead
Rebel was so good! It‘s written slightly differently but not in a bad way. I enjoyed a slight step away from an action-centered storyline to one centered on exploring the real effects of PTSD and trauma. It‘s focused on the relationship between Daniel (Day) and Eden as brothers which is not something you often get as much of in books like this. I really appreciated the story for what it was. I would recommend this series and this author!
Last night I got to moderate Marie Lu‘s event at a local indie. She was the sweetest and such a good conversationalist ☺️
I‘m moderating my third author event next week and this time it‘s the fabulous MARIE LU!!!
Going to be finishing this two beauties before we talk 🥰🥰🥰🥰
It's been 13-15 years since Legend was released (i think). And we are getting a book 4. I wonder what the crew has been up to. I love this cover. I think it goes with the original series, but at the same time lets you know it's a modern book.
October 1 , 2019
It has been at least 10-13 years since Legend was released. now we get a book 4.
#CoverLove #YAedition
October 1