Reading in the sun! It felt as if this day would never come☀️
I‘m about to finish this little black penguin classic. It‘s really interesting to read about Darwin‘s discoveries on the Beagle and the new islands they sailed to!
Blanket, cat mug, tea, a book and my boyfriend next to me - doesn‘t take anything else to make me happy🧡
I‘m curious about this one! I did a lot of research about Darwin for the Museum I‘m working at, we have an original imprint of the Galapagos giant tortoise Lonesome George and a pretty cool Display about Darwin and the Islands 😊 it‘ about time I‘m reading some of his works!
Selections taken from Darwin's book The Voyage of the Beagle. Fascinating observations about the flora and fauna of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and the Strait of Magellan.
Not in the xmas spirit, but the title is beautiful. Booklet from my TBR pile about Darwin's adventures.
#12daysofxmas #letitsnow