It's just so sad.
After reading about three mass shooting in the States within 24 hours, I wonder if I should read this book. Have to say there are surprisingly many books about gun violence in the 🇺🇸 So many lost their lives, and so many families are in pieces at the moment. ☹️
Interesting look at the evolution of the 2nd amendment from the time of the Framers to today. Very readable for a historical/constitutional law non-fiction piece.
"Standard Model" meaning pro-2nd Amendment/gun rights advocate position.
"It would be two decades before the term "gerrymandering" was coined, when Elbridge Gerry drew a congressional district so misshapen it was said to resemble a salamander."
I just learned something new!
From The Second Amendment: A Biography by Michael Waldman. (No room for citation on this little pic)
This is from the *very first page* of the introduction. I think I will enjoy this book quite a lot.
New current read.
HIGHLY recommend. Waldman takes originalism, history, and changing jurisprudence and makes it highly readable. He throws in jokes. But most importantly - he makes you ponder some damn important questions about the Second Amendment and what it means and what its limits are.
"For the genius of the Constitution rests not in any static meaning it might have had in a world that is dead and gone, but in the adaptability of its great principles to cope with current problems and current needs." - Justice William J. Brennan, Jr.
"The fact is that the Second Amendment is the only one of the ten in the Bill of Rights that has an explanatory clause of any kind. The First Amendment does not say, 'Robust debate being necessary to sound public policy, Congress shall make no law.' We must take the preamble seriously."
One thing is certain : regulations on guns predate our Constitution and were the norm in the time of the Framers. What's good, Orginalists?
Sometimes the world picks your next book for you.