I always enjoy Nancy Drew mysteries and often re-read them. Nancy is such an inspiring heroine and so kind.
I always enjoy Nancy Drew mysteries and often re-read them. Nancy is such an inspiring heroine and so kind.
I forgot to post this one! Nancy gets called in to help track down a swindler who has jumped bail. She and her friends must solve several mysteries involving Rawley Banister‘s strange house. Hidden rooms, poison, a moat on fire, and a malevolent robot all add up to a little more than I can believe (or a lot!), then a conman running an Indian children-support scam...there‘s a lot going on!
47 Nancys down.
Old Nancy Drews are generally good fodder for a #crazycover photo challenge. Couldn't decide which I liked better, electric pink robot of doom, or ghostly stingray emerges from fireplace?
#marchintoreading @RealLifeReading