Not a surprise that a woman who rowed the Atlantic for three months would be an introvert. I really appreciate her suggestion that unscripted social engagements should come with distress beacons.
Not a surprise that a woman who rowed the Atlantic for three months would be an introvert. I really appreciate her suggestion that unscripted social engagements should come with distress beacons.
Lordy, it‘s getting harder to feel like a free spirit over here in the U.S. but if Helen could do it I guess I‘ll try.
McClure, the first woman to the South Pole, decides to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Her story is filled with both beauty and terror. Her communication equipment stops working so she doesn‘t realize she‘s in the midst of several hurricanes. I couldn‘t put this book down. Her life story, interspersed throughout, provides insight into the brilliance and strength of the author. It‘s quite the read.
This book won a Christopher Award. Am I the only person not to know about this award? I‘ve read some of the titles that were awarded prizes and agree with their selection so now I have a whole new list of books to check out!
This looks fantastic! A freebie at the coffee shop.
More sailing stories! So inspiring!😀⛵️