Tonight, a man sat down next to my husband at the bar and put down his stack of books. He then started reading this one. I feel a special kinship with anyone who reads in a bar.
Tonight, a man sat down next to my husband at the bar and put down his stack of books. He then started reading this one. I feel a special kinship with anyone who reads in a bar.
I can't remember the last time I had a Saturday off, let alone the same Saturday as my husband. So I got the apartment all tidied up (I can't relax and read in a mess, am I alone on this one?) and am reading up a storm as my husband plays Skyrim. Tonight we have a date/movie night planned with lots of yummy snacks. It's so great to have a day off and relax! Sometimes you need to do absolutely nothing. #husbandsoflitsy #WhenTwoBookLoversGetMarried
I don't particularly love my job, however one of the perks is the ability to read when there's is nothing going on. It's very dead at the museum today, so I've cleaned my desk and am now officially diving into my book.
I like to go back and forth between fiction and nonfiction books. My current nonfiction is the Pentagon's Brain. I just started it today. I've really enjoyed Annie Jacobsen's other works and am excited to dive into this one.
Started this book on audio, but the narrators voice ( read by author) was too soothing and I kept falling asleep ?. Switched to paperback to finish. Interesting research about government R&D projects during Cold War, Vietnam, transforming humans for war, research for war on terror. Pretty scary the types of research projects they developed. I enjoyed it, but it is a long read. Great if you like "secret government" topics.