When you find a book you love so much you go full on Bastian in the attic. 😍❤️😍
When you find a book you love so much you go full on Bastian in the attic. 😍❤️😍
If you like spooky reads I recommend this under-hyped book. It's probably upper middle grade/young adult.
Said my lord to my lady, as he mounted his horse: "Beware of Long Lankin that lives in the moss." Said my lord to my lady, as he rode away: "Beware of Long Lankin that lives in the hay. Let the doors be all bolted and the windows all pinned, And leave not a hole for a mouse to creep in." #supernaturalmysteries #maybookflowers
Marceline the Vampire Queen takes to the back porch with neither chair nor sunscreen to read on a beautiful Canadian Spring Day.
Jaysus. I'm all for horror so I'm both excited and wallowing in abject terror. All the stuffed animals will be with me tonight lol
My TBR pilot is getting a little nuts haha but sometimes you just need more. (TBR pile not pictures, but does it get any more picturesque?)
A late #recommendsday but timely #booktober pick for y'all! Plus it's an #ebookdeal too 👏🏼📚🍾. If books about kids solving a ghostly mystery involving a spooky house, Long Lankin is that book. A fun book that might give you the creepy crawlies, but probably not the heebie jeebies. 👻
Sadly, I couldn't get into this audiobook. Has anyone read it? Should I try it as an ebook/print read?