Written and illustrated by Rosalyn Schanzer, this children‘s Biography will give students a different type of biography experience! The narrative throughout this book is beautiful and exciting! Schanzer tells the tale of Ben Franklins lightning experiments with excitement is all around super intriguing. #ucflae3414su20
ashleyshugars This book would best serve as a classroom RA with follow up activities. Check out these activity pages here: http://fourthgradetiger.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/1/7/57175681/4.6.5_st.pdf. The UDL strategy that would best fit is 3.2, and ESOL strategy 31. 5y
DrSpalding There are so many amazing picture book biographies about historical figures. These work very well in your social studies curriculum. You will have to teach about historical figures! 5y
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