Yes, I'm totally reading this out of order...because this is my super power. This book is the redeeming book for me with this series. I loved these two characters. And I'm seriously dealing with a romance hangover. #LittensLoveRomance
Yes, I'm totally reading this out of order...because this is my super power. This book is the redeeming book for me with this series. I loved these two characters. And I'm seriously dealing with a romance hangover. #LittensLoveRomance
Thanks for the tag @HoneyBeesKnees!
A day late but I still wanted to answer. :)
1. Biggest impact: There‘s a few books but the tagged one (Hothouse Flower) was one of those that I read at the perfect time where it was completely relevant to my life at that moment.
2. So many! But let‘s go with Cleopatra.
3. Pet Peeve related to reading: when people constantly interrupt you.
4. I tag anyone who hasn‘t answered these yet!