Finished the second book in the prophecy of the sisters trilogy today. I can‘t say enough how much I love these books! I‘m dearly delighted with Dimitri and hope to see much more of him in the third book. Yep I‘m Dimitri over James here!
Finished the second book in the prophecy of the sisters trilogy today. I can‘t say enough how much I love these books! I‘m dearly delighted with Dimitri and hope to see much more of him in the third book. Yep I‘m Dimitri over James here!
Woke to pouring rain this morning. I hope this is finally the end of the yucky heat. My girl and I are watching the rain and reading on our favourite lounge by the window! I think she is sick of the heat also! It‘s just not nice for a furry little cat.
I‘m still sick as anything. Want to stay in bed and not move from pain and headache kind of sick. Cancelled so many plans this week already, only to have them taken over by sitting at the local drs with a sick kid (same virus that‘s turned to ear infection for the littlest) and having the other two kids getting this as well. It‘s going to be a super long week.
I‘m officially down with whatever my mum had this week and I feel like hell to be honest. I have spent half today just sleeping and now at midnight I can‘t sleep cause I can‘t breathe well! Typical. I‘m just going to hide in bed with this till hubby is ready for sleep. Wish me luck.
this is another re-read, following my re-read of the 1st book.
i guess it's different reading this now as more of an adult-er (well, i was already an adult before, so... 😂), but i've noticed all the inconsistencies in language and drama. now i'm trying to remember why i liked this series a lot before.
saving grace: i think it still has a very good premise. i'm just not too sold now on the way it has been told.