"I think we're overpacking. We're going to be in Philadelphia for 48 hours. How many tea ceremonies can you do?" -- BEST IN SHOW, but me with books. I may be overdoing it for 5 days.
BekahB There's nothing wrong with wanting to have options! Some of those books have been sitting on my TBR pile too. 9y
BooksForYears Philly has some excellent bookshops if you need more reading material! 9y
Kelly @BooksForYears heh, I'm not actually going to Philly, but I do like that city. 9y
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BooksForYears @Kelly 👍 9y
syasutake You just never know what you'll feel like reading! 9y
sarahlapolla We have the same ereader cover! #ampersands 9y
Kelly @sarahlapolla ampersand fans unite! 9y
MrBook #NiceStack! 9y
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