Here‘s my review for this book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo.
Here‘s my review for this book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo.
I started this book. So far, I can‘t relate to the stories and it‘s not resonating with me but there are some nice stories in here so I‘m going to keep going. The last section of stories was about marriage. The next section is about motherhood. I‘m a woman reading the stories but I can distance myself from the stories because they‘re not relevant to me and they‘re other people‘s stories not mine.
I was looking at the table of contents to see what kind of stories are in here that I can skip because I can‘t relate to them. It looks like a lot of stories about love, marriage, motherhood and aging. I‘m going to probably skip those stories because I might not be able to relate to them or maybe I should just read them. I‘m worried that the stories will imply that I‘m less of a woman because I don‘t want to get married or have kids.
I‘m going to start this book next. I‘ve read a few of these Chicken Soup books and I‘ve liked them. I‘m not sure if I‘m going to relate to the stories in this one but for the sections of stories I don‘t want to read, I can just skip them. I don‘t want to have to skip stories but if it‘s not relevant to me then what else am I supposed to do? I‘ll just see what happens when I start the book.