How did THAT happen?
It‘s only May!!!
How did THAT happen?
It‘s only May!!!
I've finished! I am so shattered and should have gone to bed at least 2 hours ago (it's gone 3am) but it got that GOOD that I couldn't tear my eyes away and i just HAD to finish it! It really was an amazing read! I'll do a proper review on it soon. Now I must sleep!
#nottoblame #blame #ya #yabooks #bookblog
Eee gads! I love this book! It's so fast paced and has my heart hammering in my chest! Just gotten to a fab twist in the tale too. Not long to go now before I've finished it. In some ways it reminds me of THG. Not because of the story (they are completely different, story-wise), but because Ant is seen as a figure of hope. She's also represented by a goose which reminded me of Katniss and the Mockingjay. #nottoblame #blame #ya #yabooks
Ahh gosh the feels right now! 😢 Just about to start another chapter (on page 336) but had to stop reading as getting sleepy plus was getting teary at what had just happened. Done some major reading over the past couple of days. Won't be long before I'm finished then I'll have 2 reviews to do: This one and one for And I Darken.
In bed doing a spot of reading whilst the boyfriend watches WWE Summer Slam (I watched it until AJ Styles and Jon Cena's match then came to bed once they'd finished). I'm over half way through this book now and loving it!
I'm doing a read-along with @Lauramag where we'll be reading a chapter a night. Tonight was chapter one. It was only a couple of pages long so I nearly read on without realising lol! It's going good so far and had me sat wondering how Ant has gone down for a crime she hasn't committed.
Reading this with @SecretLivesOfFictionLovers
The lovely folk at Penguin Random House sent me Simon Mayo's Blame to read. I can't wait! It looks sooo good! Gutted I wasn't able to attend the launch party on Monday though. Bet it was awesome!
Mayo's foray into YA fiction is explosive, packed with rock solid characters, a smart, topical narrative and a decidedly corrupt and generally unpleasant villain, this is a thrilling and harrowing read!
Escaping the flat whilst the strutters strive for escape themselves from a corrupt and violent prison. I have it easy!