#7days7book This is that book that really made me understand evolution.
#7days7book This is that book that really made me understand evolution.
Repeats concepts in other books. Not a bad read though
This was a hard read... as in it was hard for me, because I'm stupid. I haven't studied Biology for over 30 years. I got as much of this as my brain was able to process and there was a ton of goodness, but I could have done with more anecdotes and slightly less God-bashing. I get that God-bashing is Dawkins' superpower, but his arguments for natural selection stand on their own without them having to be a refutation.
Love or hate Richard Dawkins, (personally I find him quite an odious person) there is no denying that he makes a sound and balanced argument for the workings of the universe in The Blind Watchmaker.
I've always felt it a shame that he's so vocally intolerant of other people's choice of faith, because he's a compelling scientific and logical theorist, and if you can put aside your feelings, this is worth a read. My Folio edition shown here #folio