THE THIRD MAGIC was a huge deal for me when I was a kid. I paid SERIOUS MONEY for it at the Book Market (we‘re taking $1.75, compared to
THE THIRD MAGIC was a huge deal for me when I was a kid. I paid SERIOUS MONEY for it at the Book Market (we‘re taking $1.75, compared to
So, IKEA no longer makes their floating shelves in the colours I want. Blah. After much groaning and a little bit of exploration at other stores, I resigned myself to shelling out for two in black-brown instead of red or black, just to get my books out of these boxes and back on display.
Today I was at Value Village in search of a bike, and THEY HAD TWO 43” BLACK FLOATING SHELVES! For $7 instead of $50!
I can‘t wait to see my books again.