Cannot believe this book takes me almost 1 month to finish.
I enjoyed this book but sometimes got lost or had the feeling that why I read this book. I wouldn‘t say that I love this book but I could say I liked it.
Cannot believe this book takes me almost 1 month to finish.
I enjoyed this book but sometimes got lost or had the feeling that why I read this book. I wouldn‘t say that I love this book but I could say I liked it.
Not for nothing was Smith‘s first book about moral philosophy. His concern, as Foley says, was the one that has haunted economic thinking ever since: “how to be a good person and live a good and moral life within the antagonistic, impersonal, and self-regarding social relations that capitalism imposes.
An Irish clergyman was present at a dinner where someone asked what the greatest pleasure was, and Johnson replied, “Fucking.” He added that the second best was drinking, and therefore he wondered why there were not more drunkards, for all could drink, though not all could fuck.
My to read stack is getting out of hand. Some of these I‘ve started and pick up when I‘m in the mood. Especially the poetry collections. I guess I should get to it. 📚