Dishy and a quick read, but ultimately I felt lukewarm
Dishy and a quick read, but ultimately I felt lukewarm
There‘s a hefty dose of gossip & drivel in this horribly titled book, but sometimes that‘s just what you need for a palate cleanser and a few laughs.☺️Interesting tidbits on the cutthroat talk show industry & the amazing careers of Barbara Walters, Whoopi & Rosie. Who knew The View had so many cohosts? Frankly, I had more fun watching YouTube videos of the memorable episodes mentioned than reading all the drama.
This book was a "meh" for me. The title is "The Explosive Inside Story of The View," however, I did not find there to be anything explosive about it. If anything, the author took great pains not.to step on toes.
1. Cards Against Humanity (adult), Monolpoy Junior (with my little).
2. The entirety of Europe
3. Met my 80 book goal.
4. Louise Penney- totally hooked. @howjessreads
5. Favourite, adult, Christmas book?
A good fast read. Confirmed my thoughts that everyone is human!
More scandal and ridiculous behind the scenes action. I remember watching my mom watch this show growing up, and I thought just watching it was messy lol. Hits a little too close to home in some aspects. Still a fun listen!
1. Tagged, A Light Amongst Shadow, and Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?
2. Bad Blood still has me reeling.
3. The two listed above- but I‘ve also got some comics I need to push through. I‘ve also got If Chins Could Kill that I really want to break in to for spooky season.
For the first time in a couple weeks, I actually got a decent night's sleep! Which means I was able to get up early for some yoga, and now have time for breakfast and some unabashedly gossipy reading before the boys wake up 👍😄
Another library grab. I haven‘t watched the show for years, but I‘m always up for a gossipy behind the scenes story. 🎧📚
Happy Easter! Don‘t you love these goldleaf decorated eggs by @samjmitchell ? 💛🐰🐣
Tagged book is perfect while hubby watches Maple Leafs hockey on a lazy Easter Sunday afternoon! Hockey has nothing on those ladies from The View!! 👊💥👭
The gossip in me loved this juicy morsel of a book. But I also have to wonder how much better it would have been if a woman wrote it. I understand sensationalism sells but it would have been that much more sensational to read more content dealing with these amazing women lifting each other up rather than tearing each other down.