I never ever would have guessed Harold Bloom had a daringly original theory of anything.
Eagleton made bank on this concise, witty overview of the major avenues of literary theory. Eagleton views other kinds of theory through a heterodox Marxist lens.
Help! I ordered these two books for a course I‘m starting next week.... The course is only 10 weeks long and the bottom book is enormous - over 1300 pages! I‘m assuming (hoping?!) that, as it‘s an anthology, we‘ll only be expected to dip in and out of it.
A helpful snippet to remind students baffled by Eliot: it's ok (preferred, and suspect otherwise) to not have "the answer" in your back pocket to his poems. Ambiguity is to modernism as ambivalence is to pomo.
(And Eagleton's Marxist leanings chew up/spit out the erudite in Eliot beautifully ?.)