Traveling with Connie Willis. What a treat!
Traveling with Connie Willis. What a treat!
Day 11 #literarycrush #feistyfeb I ❤ Connie Willis. Maybe one day I can meet her and get her to sign every book she wrote that I own.
What surrogate mothers and anti-abortionists and the fetal rights issue had failed to do in uniting women,the prospect of not menstruating did. Women had organized rallies,circulated petitions, elected senators, passed amendments, been excommunicated, and gone to jail, all in the name of Liberation.
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." Quoting HL Mencken in the afterword for "Inside Job"
4 🌟 I want to be Connie Willis when I grow up.
"Anyone who thinks of [books] as an escape from reality...something you should get your nose out of and go outside and play, as merely a distraction or an amusement or a waste of time is dead wrong. Books are the most important, the most powerful, the most beautiful thing humans have ever created."
Starting two new reads tonight; this is number two.