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Ship of Theseus
Ship of Theseus | Christopher Willard
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Ship of Theseus is brilliant new poetic work by Christopher Willard. "Prepare for an ascent into the maelstrom, where the huckleberries howl and butterflies twirl, caught in the F5 tornadoes they created 10,000 wingflaps ago. The pitch and yaw of the deck is so scintillating you'll know why Christopher typed this with his tongue, and you'll never guess it's a replacement crew until they sing a sick sea shanty explaining why there is something rather than nothing. Walking the plank will never be the same." -William Merricle, author of Fractured Fairy Tales and Grace, You Let the Screen Door Slam
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Ship of Theseus | Christopher Willard
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I have NO CLUE what this book is about but I‘m SUPER INTRIGUED!! It‘s jammed packed with postcards, newspaper clippings, notes, personal letters, receipts, a napkin turned into a map. It‘s BONKERS!! And I‘m SO.HERE.FOR.IT!!! Thanks @BarbaraBB Have you read this @vivastory ??? I‘m pretty sure I stacked this after seeing a review from @TheAromaofBooks what did you just get me into???? I‘m a bit overwhelmed BUT in a REALLY good way😎

Maike It‘s so good! You will have so much fun with it 😊 3y
vivastory I have this one & I keep meaning to read it! I'm also really curious about 3y
Cinfhen Maybe we can Buddy read @vivastory ?? 3y
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Cinfhen Bats sounds good @vivastory !! But first I need to tackle this one 3y
vivastory Sounds good! 3y
Cinfhen I can probably start it mid July @vivastory 3y
Soubhiville How cool! 3y
vivastory @Cinfhen That works for me 📚 3y
Cinfhen Ok/ I‘ll remind you as it gets a bit closer @vivastory 🥳🥳 3y
Cinfhen It‘s really cool @Soubhiville im excited 😊 3y
Flaneurette I really enjoyed this one when I read it years ago, its really clever and fun
BarbaraBB I am super intrigued by it too especially since it is written by JJ Abrams too, director of Lost! Looking forward to your experience! 🤍 3y
Cinfhen 💓💓💓💓💓Thanks again @BarbaraBB xxx I‘m excited for the Russo!!!! I loved 3y
Megabooks Stacking!!! Also I‘m thinking your bday present will probably be late. 😩 3y
BarbaraBB I know, that‘s why I bought you this one. It‘s just as good! I hope you‘ll enjoy it! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! I really enjoyed this one despite (because of??) it's mind-bendy qualities. There are so many different ways to read it so you have to choose which method works best for you. I found this article helpful in summarizing ways to tackle the marginal notes - https://themisanthropologist.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/how-to-read-j-j-abrams-s - there are some minor spoilers for the book because this person summarizes the story, but if you skip down ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) to “How to Read the Novel“ the person who wrote this article has some different perspectives on reading all the moving pieces. Overall I really did enjoy this one, but the writing itself wasn't amazing. It's definitely a story that you just have to ride it out haha Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!! 3y
Cinfhen Thanks, Sarah!! Im happy I‘ll be Buddy reading with @vivastory I think that‘ll help me process each section. Im gonna check out that article !! Thanks 😊 super helpful @TheAromaofBooks 3y
Cinfhen You‘re so sweet @Megabooks it‘s not even necessary / you gifted me an audio recently…did you forget??? 3y
Cinfhen @Flaneurette did you have a certain system how to read the novel? Which strategy did you use @TheAromaofBooks @Maike ??? I‘m thinking of reading each chapters text first/ then going back to the comments/ insets before I start the next chapter. Does that make sense?! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I kind of did it all at the same time, but when I was done reading the whole book, I went back & read all the marginal notes again in order, which meant going through the book multiple times. But I'm also someone who doesn't mind spoilers, so during my initial read-through I didn't mind that I was finding out what happened with Eric & Jen out of order haha 3y
Maike I also did it all at the same time, but I‘m not sure I would recommend it. I‘d suggest reading the novel part of it first and the margins on a second go. 3y
Cinfhen I‘m definitely going to avoid trying to read it all at the same time @Maike @TheAromaofBooks that seems wayyyyyyyy to overwhelming 🤪 3y
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