Seven Fallen Feathers was a very difficult book to read, yet so very important. The same can be said for this one so far. I am one essay in and have a heavy heart, yet am continuing to learn, which is the most important thing.
Seven Fallen Feathers was a very difficult book to read, yet so very important. The same can be said for this one so far. I am one essay in and have a heavy heart, yet am continuing to learn, which is the most important thing.
On many lists this one one was listed as one that could fulfill the #Nunavut part of #readcanada. It does..... but not exclusively. It talks equally about the people of Northern Ontario, BC, Finland, Brazil etc. etc etc.
Transcribed Massey Lectures. Highly recommend.
Essential reading. Tanya Talaga delves deep into the issues that have led to the suicide epidemic amongst Indigenous youth around the world, and she finds much more evidence of ongoing wrongdoing than of reconciliatory efforts. It's painful to read, but it's an important work that strives to help Indigenous young people and their allies fight for a better way forward. #24in48 #caseyplusbooks
I hit 1:52 while I drank my coffee, made scones for tonight, and listened to TREMONTAINE. Now I'm ready for ALL OUR RELATIONS and an easy, tasty breakfast of leftover red curry tofu with sausage and broccoli. #24in48
I was suuuuuuper tired last night, but I did manage 37 minutes with ALL OUR RELATIONS by Tanya Talaga between the time #24in48 started and the moment I was too exhausted to carry on. Now I'm awake and ready to read in bed for a bit before I get up and attend to serious, productive matters (ie, prep for tonight's Robbie Burns dinner).
First library haul of 2019! I'm glad I got two translations of THE TALE OF GENJI; the one by Kenchō Suematsu is obviously abridged, despite what the catalogue told me.