Rereading Sangu Mandanna 's A SPARK OF WHITE FIRE & I think it might be a perfect novel. My heart is crumpling as I reach the end. Thank goddess I have the 2nd book handy.
Rereading Sangu Mandanna 's A SPARK OF WHITE FIRE & I think it might be a perfect novel. My heart is crumpling as I reach the end. Thank goddess I have the 2nd book handy.
I don't know what I expected but it was not this. I loved this book! It has space, gods, the beginnings of a war, and a lazy best friend I want as my own.
When Esmae interrupts a royal challenge to win an unbeatable, sentient warship, she sets in motion a preordained tragedy that she, and others, try to prevent. Her life changes, her past starts to impact her future, and everything she thought she understood about herself and her history must be questioned. (If you're not familiar with the Mahābhārata, don't research ahead of reading so as to not spoil yourself the gasp-worthy twists.)
"Your arrow was a spark," she replies," A spark of fire so hot and white that no one will be able to put it out. And even a spark of fire can consume an entire forest if it can jump from tree to tree. Watch, Esmae. Watch as one act leads to another and then to another after that. Watch the trees pass white flames on. Watch the forest burn."
Starting another Read Harder challenge item, this space drama inspired by the Mahabharata. Mmmmmm!