A great short story about an uplifted chimp who is a police detective in a human world. Read it while I was sitting at the campfire tonight.
IamIamIam Omigosh, have you ever seen Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp?? Some channel used to show reruns when I was a kid and this totally made me think of it!!! Although they were all chimps... lol 6y
Cathythoughts Campfire 👍🏻♥️ 6y
Oldschool_millenial @IamIamIam WHA?! You're the first person I've seen/heard mention that show! My dad's cousin (like he) likes collecting old/odd things and one of them was a Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp VHS that had a few episodes on it. She loaned it to us like 10 years ago! 6y