A fascinating collection of essays by modern-day theologians on C. S. Lewis. I especially loved the interview in the appendix with them all.
A fascinating collection of essays by modern-day theologians on C. S. Lewis. I especially loved the interview in the appendix with them all.
"Part of what makes Lewis so illuminating ... is his unremitting rational clarity and his pervasive use of likening. Metaphor, analogy, illustration, simile, poetry, story, myth--all of these are ways of likening aspects of reality to what it is not for the sake of showing more deeply what it is."
"So Lewis saw in his own experience of romanticism the universally human experience. We are all romantics. All of us experience from time to time --some more than others, and some more intensely than others--a longing this world cannot satisfy, a sense that there must be more." (Pic: The Kilns)