Depression Is a Liar: It Is Possible to Recover and Be Happy Again - Even If You Don't Believe It Right Now | Danny Baker
Depression is living in a body that fights to survive . . . with a mind that tries to die. Depression is fear, despair, emptiness, numbness, shame, embarrassment and the inability to recognise the fun, happy person you used to be. Depression is the incapacity to construct or envision a future. Depression is losing the desire to partake in life. Depression can cause you to feel completely alone - even when you're surrounded by people. Worst of all, depression can convince you that there's no way out. It can convince you that your pain is eternal, and destined to oppress you for the rest of your days. And it's when you're in that horrifically black place, staring down the barrel of what you truly believe can only be a lifetime of wretched agony, that your thoughts turn to suicide - because depression has convinced you that it's the only way out. But depression is a liar. Recovery IS possible - and I can prove it to you. My name's Danny Baker, and for four years, I suffered from life-threatening bouts of depression that led to alcoholism, drug abuse, medicine-induced psychosis, near suicide attempts and multiple hospitalisations. But over time, I managed to recover, and these days, I'm happy, healthy, and absolutely love my life. "Depression is a Liar" is a memoir that recounts my struggle and eventual triumph over depression. I wanted to tell my story to show people with depression that they're not alone. Of course, I also wanted to share the lessons I learned on the long, rocky, winding road that eventually led to recovery - particularly with regards to relationships; substance abuse; choosing a fulfilling career path; perfectionism; seeking professional help; and perhaps most importantly, having a positive, healthy attitude towards depression that enables recovery. Above all else, however, I wrote this memoir to give sufferers hope, and to show them that no matter how much they're struggling, that recovery is always, always possible. Free Bonus Content To further help people recover from depression and help their loved ones better understand the illness, all readers will also receive the following bonus content: Online Course 1: My Recovery Blueprint: How I overcame depression in three straightforward steps and how you can do the same. In this course, I'll detail the exact steps I took to overcome a debilitating, suicidal depression and transform myself into the extremely happy, healthy person that I am today. While doing so, I'll also cover how to deal with some very common causes of depression including spending too much time with toxic people, anger, being prisoners of what others think of us, perfectionism, negative thinking, worrying about things beyond our control, and many, many more. Online Course 2: How To Tell Someone That You Have Depression. In this course, we'll talk about how and when to tell those around you that you have depression. Bonus Videos: 15 Things I Wish People Knew About Depression; The 15 Best And Worst Things You Can Say To Someone With Depression; Why Your Teenager (In Particular) Needs To Learn About Depression - Before It's Too Late; and How To Support A Loved One Who Suffers From Depression. You'll be able to join over 4,000 people who receive a free supportive email from me each morning with an encouraging, uplifting quote to help them get through their day. You'll also be invited to join a private Facebook support group I founded where you can talk about your depression with other sufferers.