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The Red Queen Dies
The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
8 posts | 3 read | 6 to read
Frankie Bailey introduces readers to a fabulous new protagonist and an Alice in Wonderland-infused crime in this stunning mystery, which kicks off an exciting new series set in the near future. The year is 2019, and a drug used to treat soldiers for post-traumatic stress disorder, nicknamed "Lullaby," has hit the streets. Swallowing a little pill erases traumatic memories, but what happens to a criminal trial when the star witness takes a pill and can't remember the crime? When two women are murdered in quick succession, biracial police detective Hannah McCabe is charged with solving the case. In spite of the advanced technology, including a city-wide surveillance program, a third woman is soon killed, and the police begin to suspect that a serial killer is on the loose. But the third victim, a Broadway actress known as "The Red Queen," doesn't fit the pattern set by the first two murders. With the late September heat sizzling, Detective Hannah McCabe and her colleagues on the police force have to race to find the killer in a tangled web of clues that involve Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Fast-paced and original, this is a one-of-a-kind mystery from an extremely talented crime writer.
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The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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This is a solid book, it just missed the mark for me. I think I went into this with the wrong expectations as to what it was. I thought the Alice in Wonderland theme was going to be much more important to the story than it was. I read this earlier in the month and I‘ve forgotten most of what happened and ultimately the motivation of the killer. I loved the writing style and enjoyed the characters. The mystery was more of a meh sadly.

jessinikkip Fair enough. The first time I read it, I was surprised by how small a part overall Alice in WL played. I'm glad it wasnt a total bust! 5y
RainyDayReading @jessinikkip Not a total bust at all! It definitely had elements I enjoyed. I think the lack of Alice in WL things just really threw me off. 5y
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The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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Sorry for the radio silence! Been so busy with settling into the house that I haven‘t had any time to post. I‘ve finished the tagged book and still formulating my thoughts on it. I‘ve started The Dead House which is one of my #bookspin books. About halfway through right now. I hope to finish it, start Survive which is a #newyearwhodis pick and read the graphic novels I checked out now that I have a library card again 😈 Fingers crossed!

TheAromaofBooks Hopefully everything is coming together in your new place!! 5y
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The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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Well I tried haha. I made it halfway through this #newyearwhodis pick before the month ended. Between the books I ordered not showing up until the last week of the month, not having library access and moving this was all I could manage! But I am really enjoying this and plan to continue reading this and my other #newyearwhodis books into February. @monalyisha @jessinikkip

jessinikkip Its all good! I had shipping problems myself so Ill be reading into February too, but im excited to get into them 5y
monalyisha I‘ll also be reading into Feb! Sending you good luck & vibes for all of your life events! 5y
RainyDayReading @jessinikkip Seems like January was nothing but the month of shipping problems haha. 5y
RainyDayReading @monalyisha Thank you! The good luck and vibes are greatly appreciated 😊 5y
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The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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They arrived! Finally. Good thing I checked the mailbox before I left for my parents house for the week. There are a few others I‘m hoping to read once I get registered at my new library. Going to be starting with the tagged book and will continue on from there!
#newyearwhodis @jessinikkip

The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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#TBR #fairytale😱 how I love a retelling! I hope it's good! I bought two! #dollartreefind

The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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What do you guys do with ARCs you don't want anymore? I don't want to donate it because it's not supposed to be resold, and I obviously can't sell it. Any ideas?

The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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This book was just okay. I expected way more Alice In Wonderland tie in, based on the title and the cover art, but it was very minimal. This was a murder mystery, and just an okay one. I was really into the story until the killer reveal. That was anticlimactic. So...it gets a so-so rating.

beccaeve I ended up bailing on this book. I was hoping for more Alice and Wonderland too. I also had trouble connecting to the story. 8y
KellyHerself Alice is my favorite so that was super disappointing, @beccaeve. This is a series and I *might* be interested in reading the next one, now that I know what to expect. 8y
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The Red Queen Dies: A Mystery | Frankie Y. Bailey
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Snuggling down with this new beauty! I can't wait to read this one! Anything remotely related to "Alice in Wonderland" - I'm down!